Chih-Kang Shih
- Professor
- Dr. Arnold Romberg Endowed Chair in Physics
- Physics

Contact Information
- Nanoscale electronic materials; quantum engineering of metallic nanostructures; fundamental electronic processes in semiconductor quantum dots; nanoscale mechanical properties of soft matters
- Structural, electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures
- Quantum coherence/decoherence in semiconductor quantum dots
- Novel thin-film growth
- Novel quantum phenomena in thin metal films
- Nanoscale characterizations of semiconductor devices
Research Areas
- Materials Science
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Centers and Institutes
- Texas Materials Institute
- Ph.D., Stanford University (1988)
- “Quality factors of qubit rotations in single semiconductor quantum dots,” Q. Q. Wang, A. Muller, P. Bianucci, C. K. Shih, and Q.K. Xue, Appl. Phys. Lett. (accepted for publications, 2005)
- “Quantum Growth of Magnetic Nanoplatelets of Co on Si with High Blocking Temperature,” M-H Pan, H. Liu, J-Z Wang, J-F Jia, Q-K Xue, J-L Li,‡ S. Qin, U. M. Mirsaidov, X-R Wang, J. T. Markert, Z. Zhang, and C. K. Shih, Nanoletters Vol. 5, No. 1, 87-90 (2005)
- “Spatial correlation-anticorrelation in strain-driven self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots,” X.-D. Wang, N. Liu, C. K. Shih, S. Govindaraju, and A. L. Holmes, Jr., Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1356 (2004).
- “Experimental realization of the one qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in a quantum dot,” P. Bianucci, A. Muller, Q. Q. Wang, Q.-K. Xue, C. Piermarocchi, and C. K. Shih, Phys. Rev. B 69,161303(R), 2004.
- Wan Young Jang, N.N.Kulkarni, C.K. Shih and Zhen Yao, “Electrical characterization of individual carbon nanotubes grown in nanoporous anodic alumina templates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1177, (2004).
- C.–S. Jiang, S.–C. Li, H.–B. Yu, D. Eom, X. –D. Wang, P. Ebert, J.–F. Jia, Q.–K. Xue, and C.K. Shih, “Building Pb nano-mesas with atomic layer precision,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 106104 (2004)
- Ho-Ki Lyeo, A.A. Khajetoorians, Li Shi, Kevin Pipe, Rajeev J. Ram, Ali Shakouri, and C.K. Shih, “Mapping Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductor Junctions with Nanometer Resolution,” Science 303, 186 (2004).
- R. E. Mahaffy, S. Park, E. Gerde, F. Mackintosh, J. Käs, and C. K. Shih “Quantitative analysis of the viscoelastic properties in thin regions of fibroblasts using AFM,” Biophysical Journal 86:1777-1793 (2004)
- D. Kulik, H. Htoon, and C. K. Shih, Yadong Li “Photoluminescence properties of single CdS nanorods,” J. Appl. Phys. 95, 1056 (2004)
- Muller, Q. Q. Wang, P. Bianucci, C. K. Shih, and Q. K. Xue, "Determination of Anisotropic Dipole Moments ..." Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 981 (2004).
- H. Htoon and C. K. Shih, “Ultrafast Coherent Dynamics In Semiconductor Quantum Dots.” Chapter 3, “Ultrafast Dynamical Processes in Semiconductors” edited by K. T. Tsen. (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004).