Edoardo Baldini
- Assistant Professor
- Physics

Contact Information
Room Number:3.226F
Dr. Baldini's primary research interest is the study of emergent phenomena in quantum materials. In his group, researchers develop sensitive spectroscopic techniques to uncover new quantum phases of matter in and out of equilibrium and engineer tailored laser pulses in a wide spectral range to control materials properties on ultrashort timescales and achieve exotic functionalities for future quantum technology. The team is involved with experimental condensed matter physics, discovery and nonequilibrium control of quantum phases of matter, ultrafast laser science and light-matter interaction.
Research Areas
- Lasers
- Materials Science
- Quantum Information or Computing
Fields of Interest
- Condensed Matter Physics
Centers and Institutes
- Center for Complex Quantum Systems
- Texas Quantum Institute
- Texas Materials Institute
- Postdoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017-2021
- Ph.D., École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2017
Selected publications
- F. Y. Gao†, X. Peng†, X. Cheng, E. Vinas Bostrom, D. S. Kim, R. K. Jain, D. Vishnu, K. Raju, R. Sankar, S.-F. Lee, M. A. Sentef, T. Kurumaji, X. Li, P. Tang, A. Rubio*, E. Baldini*, “Giant Chiral Magnetoelectric Oscillations in a van der Waals Multiferroic," Nature 632, 273-279 (2024)
- J. Shi†, W. You†, X. Li†, F. Y. Gao, X. Peng, S. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Zhang, L. Fu , P. J. Taylor, K. A. Nelson, E. Baldini*, “Revealing a Distortive Polar Order Buried in the Fermi Sea," Science Advances 10, eadn0929 (2024)
- Z. Zhang†, F. Y. Gao†, J. B. Curtis, Z.-J. Liu, Y.-C. Chien, A. von Hoegen, T. Kurihara, T. Suemoto, P. Narang, E. Baldini*, K. A. Nelson*, “Terahertz-Field-Induced Nonlinear Coupling of Two Magnon Modes in an Antiferromagnet," Nature Physics 20, 801-806 (2024)
- Z. Zhang†, F. Y. Gao†, Y.-C. Chien, Z.-J. Liu, J. B. Curtis, E. R. Sung, X. Ma, W. Ren, S. Cao*, P. Narang, A. von Hoegen, E. Baldini*, K. A. Nelson*, “Terahertz-Field-Driven Magnon Upconversion in an Antiferromagnet," Nature Physics 20, 788-793 (2024)
- E. Baldini†, C. A. Belvin†, M. Rodriguez-Vega, I. Ö. Ozel, D. Legut, A. Kozłowski, A. M. Oleś, K. Parlinski, P. Piekarz, J. Lorenzana, G. A. Fiete, N. Gedik*, “Discovery of the Soft Electronic Modes of the Trimeron Order in Magnetite,” Nature Physics 16, 541-545 (2020)
† These authors contributed equally to this work
* Corresponding authors
- AFOSR Young Investigator Program Award (2024)
- W. M. Keck Foundation Science and Engineering Research Award (2023)
- The University of Texas STARs Award (2022)
- Materials Research Society (MRS), MRS Postdoctoral Award (2020)
- American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Physical Chemistry Young Investigator Award (2020)
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Laser Science “Carl E. Anderson” Award (2019)
- IBM Award in Condensed Matter Physics, Zürich, Switzerland (2019)
- Swiss National Science Foundation - Postdoc Mobility Fellowship, Switzerland (2018)
- EPFL Doctorate Award 2018 (Special distinction to the 10 best PhD theses in all fields) (2018)
- Springer Theses Award, “for outstanding PhD research” (2017)
- EPFL Physics Doctoral School Award (Special distinction to the 3 best PhD theses in physics) (2017)
- Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award (2017)
- Swiss National Science Foundation - Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship, Switzerland (2016)
- Best Undergraduate Student Award – School of Engineering, University of Pavia, Italy (2013)
- Merit Scholarship - University of Pavia, Italy (2007/2008 - 2011/2012)