Linjin Zheng

  • Research Scientist
  • Physics
Profile image of Linjin Zheng

Contact Information

Room Number:11.204


Dr. Zheng specializes both in the analytic theory and the large-scale numerical computation of magnetically confined plasmas. He authored four books with IOP. His major contributions with his colleagues include

• Development of dual q description of X point physics 2025.
• Discovery of high beta steady-state scenario of negative triangularity tokamak, 2023.
• Asymptotic vacuum solution at X-point tip (Featured article of Phys. Plasmas), 2023.
• Modification of Lie’s transform perturbation theory, 2023.
• Perpendicular magnetofluid theory for magnetically confined plasmas (Editor’s Pick of
Phys. Plasmas), 2020.
• Interpretation of edge harmonic oscillations, 2013.
• Discovery of free boundary ballooning mode representation, 2012.
• Interpretation of edge localized modes, PRL, 2008.
• Modification of the linear gyrokinetic theory, 2007.
• Shear AlfvÅLen resonance stabilization of RWMs, PRL, 2005.
• Development of energetic particle mode theory, 2000.
• Discovery of the 2nd toroidal AlfvÅLen eigenmodes (TAE), 1998.
• Discovery of the upper branch of kinetic TAE, 1998.
• Energetic particle modified Mercier criterion (Ph. D. Dissertation 1989.

With his colleagues, he also developed the tokamak MHD and kinetic stability codes: AEGIS and AEGIS-K [39] and the tokamak equilibrium codes: ATEQ.

Centers and Institutes

  • Institute for Fusion Studies