CNLD Seminar with Yasa Baig (Stanford University)
Abstract: In Nature there are significant relationships known between
microorganisms from two kingdoms of life, as in the supply of vitamin B-
12 by bacteria to algae. Such interactions motivate general
investigations into the spatio-temporal dynamics of metabolite
exchanges. In this talk, I will discuss a recent study combining
experiment and theory of a model system: a coculture of the
bacterium B. subtilis an obligate aerobe that is chemotactic to oxygen,
and a nonmotile mutant of the alga C. reinhardtii which
photosynthetically produces oxygen when illuminated. Strikingly, when a
shaft of light illuminates a thin, initially uniform suspension of the two, the
chemotactic influx of bacteria to the photosynthetically active region
leads to expulsion of the algae from that area. We propose that this
effect arises from advection by the inhomogeneous bacterial
concentration. The resulting generalization of Fick's law has been
proposed in the context of chemotaxis, and is mathematically
related to the turbulent pumping in magnetohydrodynamics. Biologically,
our work highlights the rich dynamics which underly symbiosis in a simple model system on O(hour) time scales.
Physically, we highlight a striking un
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