Physics Colloquia: Amaresh Sahu - Mechanical response of lipid membranes to passive and active forces

Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Amaresh Sahu
Cost: Free
Amaresh Sahu is an assistant professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at UT Austin. His theoretical research group focuses broadly on understanding various soft and living matter systems across a wide range of length and time scales.


Abstract: Biological lipid membranes make up the boundary of the cell, as well as many of the cell's internal

organelles. Such membranes are not simply static, semipermeable barriers protecting their internal contents.

Rather, biological membranes play a dynamic role in many cellular processes. Moreover, lipid membranes

are unique materials: lipids flow in-plane as a two-dimensional viscous fluid, while the membrane bends

out-of-plane as an elastic shell. While there is much experimental evidence for the dynamic behavior of

biological membranes, the physical mechanisms governing membrane motion remain poorly understood.


Host: Vernita Gordon


Physics Colloquia are held each Wednesday beginning at 3:00pm in the
John A. Wheeler Lecture Hall (PMA 4.102) unless otherwise noted.
