Physics Colloquia: Correlated quantum states of matter in graphene based materials: reality born in imagination

Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Oskar Vafek
Cost: Free
Dr. Vafek is a Professor at Florida State University and is involved with the National High Magnetic Field Lab. His research interests are centered around the condensed matter theory, specifically superconductivity and quantum phase transitions.


Abstract: The condensed matter community has witnessed a major breakthrough in the spring of 2018. Experimental observation of strongly correlated electron phases, including superconductivity, in a system consisting of two graphene sheets placed on top of each other at a precisely tuned value of the twist angle, is having ramifications that have been shaping the field ever since.

This colloquium will describe the experimental findings and try to place them in the context of known phenomena in graphene. It will also describe some of the theoretical ideas which have been formulated to understand the discovered phenomena. In addition, I will talk about new material platforms which, when twisted, are realizing long sought topologically ordered phases.

Host: Allan Macdonald


Physics Colloquia are held each Wednesday beginning at 3:00pm in the
John A. Wheeler Lecture Hall (PMA 4.102) unless otherwise noted.

