Physics Colloquia: Graphene Statistical Mechanics

Mark Bowick
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Mark Bowick
Cost: Free
Mark Bowick is a theoretical physicist in condensed matter theory and high energy physics. His research interests include symmetry breaking, the interplay of order and geometry, and topological defects, among other interests.


Abstract: Thermalized two-dimensional metamaterials, such as graphene at room temperature, exhibit novel mechanical properties by virtue of being bending dominated, rather than stretching dominated.  A wide variety of responses can be obtained simply by varying purely geometrical properties such as size, shape and topology. This opens an entirely novel domain of control by geometry, rather than external fields. Furthermore, by slicing and dicing to change the topology of fluctuating two-dimensional sheets, one can realize long sought-after phenomena such as the thermal crumpling of elastic surfaces and multiple origami-like folding. I will discuss  developments in this area including theory, simulations and experimental tests and challenges.


Physics Colloquia are held each Wednesday beginning at 3:00pm in the
John A. Wheeler Lecture Hall (PMA 4.102) unless otherwise noted.

