Physics Colloquia: From Special to General Relativity with Unruh and Hawking

Marlan Scully
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Marlan Scully
Cost: Free
Marlan Scully is a laser physics pioneer. His work includes the first quantum theory of the laser with Lamb, the first demonstrations of lasing without inversion, and the first demonstration of ultraslow light in hot gases.


Abstract: General relativity as originally developed by Einstein is based on the union of geometry and gravity. Half a century later the union of general relativity and thermodynamics was found to yield surprising results such as Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy and Hawking radiation. 

In their seminal works, Hawking, Unruh and others showed how quantum effects in curved space yield a blend of thermodynamics, quantum field theory and gravity which continues to intrigue and stimulate. It has been shown [1] that virtual processes in which atoms jump to an excited state while emitting a photon is an alternative way to view Unruh acceleration radiation. The present work [2] is an extension of that logic by considering what happens when atoms fall into a black hole (BH) as shown in the following Figure. 

This problem also provides new insights into Einstein's equivalence principle. In general, the quantum optics - black hole physics interface is a rich source of problems [3].

[1] M. Scully, V. Kocharovsky, F. Capasso, PRL (2003).
[2] M. Scully, S. Fulling, A. Svidzinsky, et al., PNAS (2018).
[3] M. Scully, A. Svidzinsky and W. Unruh, Phys. Rev. Res. (2022).


Host: Mark Raizen


Physics Colloquia are held each Wednesday beginning at 3:00pm in the
John A. Wheeler Lecture Hall (PMA 4.102) unless otherwise noted.

