Atomic, Molecular, & Optical

Studying the structure and dynamics of atoms and molecules and their interactions with the electromagnetic field.

Our multi-disciplinary faculty are researching ultra-cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates, atom optics, and quantum control, quantum optics, scattering of molecules from surfaces, neutrino rest mass from beta decay, molecular beam slowing, formation and study of nano-particles, molecular scattering and sonoluminescence, tabletop accelerators, laser fusion, and relativistic shock waves.

Profile image of Michael Downer

Michael Downer

  • Professor
  • Physics
Profile image of Bjorn Manuel Hegelich

Bjorn Manuel Hegelich

  • Associate Professor
  • Physics
Profile image of Daniel Heinzen

Daniel Heinzen

  • Professor
  • The Fondren Foundation Centennial Chair in Physics
  • Physics

Greg Sitz

  • Professor
  • Distinguished Teaching Professor
  • Elizabeth B. Gleeson Professorship in Physics
  • Physics
Profile image of Edoardo Baldini

Edoardo Baldini

  • Assistant Professor
  • Physics
Telephone Number:512-471-9620
Building: WEL
Room Number:3.226F
View Profile
Profile image of Ernst-Ludwig Florin

Ernst-Ludwig Florin

  • Associate Professor
  • Physics